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Welcome to Reception Class

Together, in Jesus, we Love, Learn, Create and Celebrate!


Miss Connolly - Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

Mrs B Eastwood and Miss A Brown - Teaching Assistants

Welcome, from Miss Connolly

Welcome to Reception Class! We are pleased to share our new webpage with you. You will find lots of photographs of our learning from each term on the right-hand side of this page. I will continue to update this throughout the year, so please check back regularly. You can find lots of information about our learning in the curriculum pages at the top, including our knowledge organisers for each topic.

PE day

Reception have PE on a Tuesday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit on this day. When the weather is colder, children are welcome to come into school with jogging bottoms over their PE kit or base layers underneath.


Please send book bags in with children every day as this makes it easier to change reading books/send things home as and when appropriate. Children are taught phonics every day. In phonics, we learn new sounds and this helps us to read words and eventually build up confidence and fluency. Our reading books match the sounds that we have been taught in school. Please read them at home to reinforce learning and record your comments in your child's reading record. Books are changed once a week. Children will also take home a library book to share with their family. This is a book of their own choosing.

Pick up time

Reception children should be collected from the classroom door at 3:10pm. If somebody new is collecting your child please let Miss Connolly know either in person or via email.


Reception children are provided with free fruit and milk every day. There is no need to send a snack in from home as a wide selection of fruit and vegetables are available to children every day. We encourage children to try new things and make healthy, independent choices. Free school meals are also provided for children in Reception up until Year 2. We encourage children to make their own choices at lunch, and they usually have a few different healthy options to choose from. We also encourage children to use cutlery to cut up their food, and we help model this for those who are not yet able.

Water bottles

Please send in a water bottle labelled with your child's name so that they can have a drink throughout the day.

Links to external websites:

Floppy's Phonics -

Phonics Play -

One Minute Maths -