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Vision & Values

Together, In Jesus, we love, learn, create and celebrate!

St. Gregory’s Catholic Primary School
Mission Statement

St. Gregory’s Catholic Primary School seeks to be a Christ centred community where all are enabled to develop their full potential.

Aims and Objectives

To be a Christian community living the Gospel values of love, justice and peace

By being a welcoming and caring community

By being positive role models who treat each other with respect and fairness & being willing to forgive and be forgiven

 By respecting and promoting each child’s innate capacity for the spiritual whatever his/her faith background

By providing opportunities for quality Collective Worship and enriching liturgical celebrations suitable to the age and ability of pupils

By enabling our children to acquire an excellent religious education through a well taught and well resourced ‘Come and See’ programme

To provide a broad, balanced and creative education

By recognising the needs of individual children and providing a creative, differentiated and challenging curriculum

Through effective planning and delivery of a rich variety of learning experiences

By using assessment, monitoring and evaluation to inform and enrich future teaching and learning

By tracking each pupil’s progress as they move through school

By providing opportunities for children and staff to develop and share their gifts and skills at our school

To work in partnership with home,Church and the wider community

By supporting parents in their role as ‘prime educators’ of their children

By developing positive links between the school and the parish community

By using our talents to enrich the lives of others and encouraging active participation in community events

By making effective use of the wider community as a learning opportunity

By developing our responsibilities as citizens in the local, wider and global community

By learning about and respecting other faiths and cultures

By working together to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people within the school, raising any concerns following school protocol/procedures

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