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  • 'The Hub' After School Club

    'The Hub' After School Club is managed by Mrs King.
    The club runs from the end of the school day until 5.45pm (4.45pm on Friday).
    It is run by Ms Cathy Riley,Miss Helen Richardson and Mrs Caroline Mooney.

    Children attending 'The Hub' will receive a healthy snack with a drink and will participate in many activities including outdoor sport activities.

    To book your child into The Hub, please use the booking form on the school app. Every child attending The Hub must be booked in using the online form. 

    Payments to 'The Hub' for childcare provision should be made via your child's Parentpay account. A statement will be issued at the end of each month showing dates attended and any balance outstanding. We also accept childcare voucher payments - please speak to Mrs King about this facility.

    Please note: Any child who is not collected before the end of any session, ie 5.45pm Monday to Thursday and 4.45pm Friday, an additional £10 per child will be added to their Parentpay account, as a late fee charge. If a Parent is late arriving for a second time for their child, this child will no longer be able to access The Hub.