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  • Come and See Topics Spring Term

    This term the children will be studying the following themes.

    Our RE topics for the first four weeks are printed below. Please share with your children, photographs of important family events and special people in their lives and discuss how we come together for special celebrations.  

    Early Years - CELEBRATING - People celebrate in Church.
    Year 1 - SPECIAL PEOPLE - People in the parish family.
    Year 2 - BOOKS - The books used in Church.
    Year 3 - JOURNEYS - Christian family's journey with Jesus.
    Year 4 - COMMUNITY- Life in the local Christian community: ministries in the parish.
    Year 5 - MISSION - Continuing Jesus' mission in diocese (ecumenism).
    Year 6 - SOURCES - The Bible, the special book for the Church.

    Our RE topics for the next four weeks are printed below. Please share with your children, photographs of important family events and special people in their lives and discuss how we come together for special celebrations.  

    Early Years – GATHERING – Parish family gathers to celebrate the Eucharist. 

    YR1 - MEALS – Mass, Jesus’ special meal. 
    YR2 –THANKSGIVING – Mass, a special time to thank God. 
    YR3 - LISTENING & SHARING – Jesus gives himself to us. 
    YR4 - GIVING & RECEIVING - Living in communion. 
    YR5 - MEMORIAL SERVICE – Eucharist as the living memorial of Christ’s sacrifice. 
    YR6 - UNITY – Eucharist enabling people to live in communion. 

    Our RE topics for the following four weeks are printed below. Please share with your children, photographs of important family events and special people in their lives and discuss how we come together for special celebrations. 

    Early Years – GROWING – Looking forward to Easter. 

    YR1 - CHANGE – Lent a time for change. 
    YR2 – OPPORTUNITIES – Lent; an opportunity to start anew in order to celebrate Jesus' new life. 
    YR3 - GIVING ALL – Lent a time to remember Jesus' total giving. 
    YR4 - SELF DISCIPLINE - Celebrating growth to new life. 
    YR5 - SACRIFICE – Lent a time of aligning with the sacrifice already made by Jesus. 
    YR6 - DEATH & NEW LIFE – Celebrating Jesus' death & resurrection.