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  • Come and See Topics Summer Term

    The children will be studying Judaism for one week and will have Mr Eric Cohen as a special guest to introduce the 'Other Faith' topic.

    This term the children will be studying the following themes.

    Our RE topics for the first four weeks are printed below. Please share with your children, photographs of important family events and special people in their lives and discuss how we come together for special celebrations.  

    Early Years - GOOD NEWS - Passing on the good news of Jesus.
    Year 1 - HOLIDAYS & HOLYDAYS - Pentecost:feast of the Holy Spirit.
    Year 2 - SPREAD THE WORD - Pentecost a time to spread the Good News.
    Year 3 - ENERGY - Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Year 4 - NEW LIFE - To hear and live the Easter message.
    Year 5 - TRANSFORMATION - Celebration of the spirit's transforming power.
    Year 6 - WITNESSES - The Holy Spirit enables people to become witnesses.

    Our RE topics for the next four weeks are printed below. Please share with your children, photographs of important family events and special people in their lives and discuss how we come together for special celebrations.  

    Early Years - FRIENDS - Friends of Jesus.
    YEAR 1 - BEING SORRY - God helps us to choose well; Sacrament of Reconciliation.
    YEAR 2 - RULES - Reasons for rules in the Christian family; Sacrament of Reconciliation.
    YEAR 3 - CHOICES - The importance of examination of conscience; Sacrament of Reconciliation.
    YEAR 4 - BUILDING BRIDGES - Admitting wrong, being reconciled with God and each other; Sacrament of Reconciliation.
    YEAR 5 - FREEDOM & RESPONSIBILITY - Commandments enable Christians to be free & responsible.
    YEAR 6 - HEALING - Sacrament of the Sick.

    The focus of the latter part of this term’s work is the Universal Church; Our World. 
    Together at home with your child, look through a family scrapbook or photo album or visit a place that is special to your family. Look at a globe or an Atlas. Find a special place and pray for the people of that country.
    Discuss how we can look after our world and support our neighbours, near and far.

    Universal Church – World 
    Early Years – OUR WORLD – God's wonderful world. 
    Yr1 - NEIGHBOURS – Neighbours share God's world. 
    Yr2 - TREASURES – God's treasure; The world. 
    Yr3- SPECIAL PLACES – Holy places for Jesus and the Christian Community. 
    Yr4- GOD'S PEOPLE – Different saints show people what God is like. 
    Yr5- STEWARDSHIP – The Church is called to the stewardship of Creation. 
    Yr6- COMMON GOOD – Work of the worldwide Christian family.