Meet The Staff At Our School!
"Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20
Headteacher: Mr Joseph Perree
Deputy Headteacher: Miss Lisa Connolly
SENDCO: Mrs Linda Thompson
School Bursar: Mrs Helen King
Admin Assistant: Mrs Lisa Armstrong
Site Manager: Mr Dave Jones
Nursery Teacher: Mrs Rachel Fidler
Teaching Assistant: Ms Cathy Riley
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jan Mottram
Reception Class
Class Teacher: Miss Lisa Connolly (Deputy Headteacher/Deputy DSL)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rebecca Eastwood
Year 1
Class Teacher: Miss Laura Moores
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Steph Meath
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Amy Brown
Year 2
Class Teacher: Mrs Linda Thompson
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Pauline Richardson
Teaching Assistant: Miss Hannah Perrin
Year 3
Class Teacher: Mrs Michelle Gordon
Teaching Assistant: Ms Lindsey Green
Year 4
Class Teacher: Mrs Jessica Povey
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Helen Wilford-Richardson
Year 5
Class Teacher: Miss Alex Weston
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Caroline Mooney
Year 6
Class Teacher: Miss Heather Brown
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jacqui Williams
PPA & Cover Teacher: Miss Amy Dillon
Reading Recovery Teacher: Ms Andria Palmer
PE and Sports Teacher: Mr Chris Redman & UltimateKidsLtd
Speech and Language Therapist: Mrs Paula Chapman
School Counsellor: Ms Anna Myers
Welfare Staff
Mrs Melissa Ashcroft
Mrs Mary Barry
Mrs Pauline Richardson
Mrs Rebecca Eastwood
Mrs Jan Mottram
Mrs Stephanie Meath
Mrs Amy Brown
Mrs Helen Wilford-Richardson
Kitchen Staff
Mrs Sara Lovett
Mrs Vicky McNamara
Wraparound Staff
Mrs Helen Wilford-Richardson
Mrs Pauline Richardson
Ms Cathy Riley
Mrs Caroline Mooney
No school employees at St. Gregory's have a gross salary of over £100,000.
For further financial information please use St. Gregory's Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool.