Our St. Gregory's Governing Body plays a vital role in shaping the vision and direction of our Catholic primary school, ensuring that every child receives a high-quality, Christ-centred education rooted in Gospel values. With a strong commitment to the spiritual, academic, and personal development of our pupils, our governors work closely with the headteacher, staff, and wider school community to create a nurturing and inspiring learning environment; one where every child and adult grows in the knowledge of God's love.
We are blessed at St Gregory's to have an active and committed board of Governors who work incredibly hard on a voluntary basis for our school community. The Governing Body meets each term. There are a number of Committees which focus on areas of school life, with our main committees being Staffing, Finance and Premises, Curriculum and Safeguarding. The committees also meet each term. There are a number of other committees which meet less regularly or as and when the need arises. Each committee consists of at least 3 governors along with the Headteacher. Governors also have an individual role, linking with a member of teaching staff to hold celebratory and developmental conversations about aspects of school life, such as subject leadership, pupil premium and SEND.
Our governors have a very important role: they are responsible for ensuring all St. Gregory's children receive an exceptional education at our school. The governors regularly receive information which helps to evidence how the school is performing. This is analysed and discussed at the committees and at the Full governing body meetings, as well as through regular check-ins across the year. It is their job to monitor the performance of the school and to hold the headteacher and staff to account.
The term of office for Governors runs for 4 years. Governor elections for Parents take place when a vacancy arises.
Below, you can learn more about the dedicated individuals who help shape, guide and support our school’s mission.
Name |
Category |
Date Appointed or reappointed |
Appointed by |
Term of |
Roles and Committees |
Mr Joseph Perree |
01.09.2024 (A) |
Governing Body |
Headteacher. On all Committees |
Mr Terry Freeman |
Foundation Governor
02.09.23 (R)
Episcopal Vicar for Schools and Colleges |
4 years |
Chair, Curriculum, Pay review Pupil Premium |
Mr David Platt |
Foundation Governor
01.09.23 (R) |
Episcopal Vicar for Schools and Colleges |
4 years |
Finance, Staffing SEN |
Mr Neil McDonald |
Foundation Governor
Episcopal Vicar for Schools and Colleges |
4 years |
Vice Chair RE Governor Staffing Attendance |
Fr. Grant Maddock |
Foundation Governor
01.09.24 (R) |
Mrs Carol Chatten Brooks |
Foundation Governor |
23.11.23 | Episcopal Vicar for Schools and Colleges | 4 Years | Curriculum |
Mr Jon Shepherd |
Elected Parent Governor |
22.10.2023 |
Parent Election |
4 years |
Premises Safeguarding
Mrs Jennifer Sweeting |
Elected Parent Governor
22.10.2023 |
Parent Election |
4 years |
Curriculum EYFS |
Mrs Emma Hughes |
Foundation Governor
01.09.2024 |
Episcopal Vicar for Schools and Colleges |
4 years |
Attendance |
Mr Ben McMullen |
Foundation Governor | 01.11.2021 | Episcopal Vicar for Schools and Colleges | 4 years | |
Miss Lisa Connolly | Staff Governor | 01.09.2024 (A) | School Staff | 4 years |
Curriculum Finance Staffing EYFS Safeguarding |
Miss Heather Brown |
Observor - no voting rights (Senior Leader) |
01.09.2024 | Observor - no voting rights |
Curriculum, Standards and Pupil Wellbeing |
Finance |
Staffing |
Premises |
Pay Review |
Safeguarding (School Committee) |
Chair Mr Freeman
Chair Mr McDonald |
Chair Mr Platt |
Chair Mr McDonald |
Chair Mr Freeman |
Chair Mr Shepherd |
Mr Perree |
Mr Perree |
Mr Perree |
Mr Perree |
Mr Perree |
Mr Perree (DSL) |
Mrs Chatten Brooks
Mr Shepherd |
Mr Mc Donald |
Mr Shepherd |
Mr Platt |
Miss Connolly Miss Brown (DDSLs) |
Miss Connolly
Mrs Sweeting |
Mrs Chatten Brooks |
Dave Jones |
Mr McDonald |
Mrs King
Miss Connolly |
Miss Connolly |
Mr Freeman |
Role |
Name |
Chair of the Governing Body |
Mr Terry Freeman |
Vice-Chair of the Governing Body |
Mr Neil McDonald |
Safeguarding Governor |
Mr Jon Shepherd |
English Link Governor |
Mrs Carol Chatten Brooks |
Admissions Governors |
Dr Emma Hughes Mr Neil McDonald |
Maths Link Governor |
Mr David Platt |
SEND Link Governor |
Mr David Platt |
EYFS Link Governor |
Mrs Jennifer Sweeting |
Pupil Premium Governor | Mr Terry Freeman |
Health and Safety Governor |
Mr Jon Shepherd |
Currently there are no declared interests from any Governor - updated 01.10.23
Record of Attendance September 2024/2025 |
Name |
Scheduled Meetings |
Meetings Attended |
Apologies Accepted |
Mr Joseph Perree |
0 |
0 | 0 |
Mr Terry Freeman |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Mr Neil McDonald |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Mr David Platt |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Mrs Jennifer Sweeting |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Mrs Carol Chatten Brooks |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Mr Jon Shepherd |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Mrs Emma Hughes |
0 | 0 | 0 |