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  • Safeguarding

    Designated Safeguarding Lead:
    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: 
    Safeguarding Governor
    Mr. Joseph Perree
    Miss Lisa Connolly
    Miss Heather Brown
    Mr Jon Shepherd


    Individual contact details for our Safeguarding Team are listed in our policy linked beneath.
    Additionally, you may contact any of the above DSLs by completing the contact form below,
    or by telephoning our school office on 0151 526 5856.

    At St. Gregory's Catholic Primary School, we have created a culture where safeguarding is given the highest priority amongst all staff, and pupils are actively involved in creating a safe environment for all.

    Staff are vigilant and trained to identify when a child might be at risk and to report their concerns. Referrals may be made about suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation. Sometimes, we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will share our concerns with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that doing so may put children or adults at risk of harm.

    We actively support the government's Prevent strategy, to counter radicalism and extremism. More information can be found on the subpage below and in our whole-school Safeguarding Policy.

    We are committed to ensuring safe recruitment processes; Mr Perree, Miss Connolly and governors on our Staffing Committee have completed the Safer Recruitment training and adopt this in practice.

    We have a number of policies in place that contribute to safeguarding at St. Gregory's Catholic Primary School, which can be viewed upon request. 



    Safeguarding Contact Form

    Please provide a brief description of how our safeguarding team can help you.