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  • Attendance & Punctuality

    See 'Weekly Attendance' (right) for weekly class attendance overviews.
    Below is a summary of our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.
    To read the policy in full, and to obtain any necessary proformas, including Holiday Request Form, please scroll to the bottom of the page.


    At St. Gregory’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that good attendance and punctuality are essential for every child’s success. Regular attendance helps pupils develop positive learning habits, build strong relationships, and achieve their full potential. School leaders hold good attendance and punctuality in the highest regard. 

    The information below shows how attendance can affect your child’s future progression:

    • Above 97% : Less than 6 days absence a year Excellent attendance! These young people will almost certainly get the best grades they can, leading to better prospects for the future. Pupils will also get into a habit of attending school which will help in the future.
    • 95%: 10 days absence a year. These pupils are likely to achieve good grades and form a habit of attending school regularly. 
    • 90%: 19 days absence a year. The government classes young people in this group as ‘Persistent Absentees’ and it will be almost impossible to keep up with work.

    As part of our commitment to improving the attainment of our pupils we monitor pupil attendance on a regular basis, as whole cohorts, specific groups and individuals. During our regular monitoring of pupil attendance, key staff identify any pupil whose attendance causes concern and actively seek to understand each individual's circumstances to remove or overcome barriers.

    Promoting Positive Attendance and Punctuality

    We work closely with parents and pupils to encourage good attendance through:

    • Creating a welcoming, nurturing school environment where pupils feel safe and valued.
    • A curriculum, teaching and learning experience that is knowledge-rich, interesting, exciting, aspirational and engaging.
    • Regular monitoring of attendance and support for families experiencing difficulties.
    • Recognition and rewards for good attendance and punctuality.
    • Weekly recognition awards, including Class Attendance Cup, a bonus 'Pen' break, and individual attendance raffle prizes
    • Leaders target absence hot-points throughout the year, incentivising positive attendance through use of, for example, cinema vouchers
    • Leaders have carefully considered term times and have adapted the term dates to allow more flexibility with 'summer' holidays earlier in the year, whilst still maintaining INSET days.
    • A close liaison with external agencies.

    Reporting Absences

    Parents must inform the school of their child’s absence before 9:30 AM on the first day by:

    • Calling the school office (on the first day of absence, as a minimum)
    • Sending an email.
    • Using the school’s online absence form.

    If a child is absent for multiple days, parents should update the school each day. Medical evidence may be required for frequent absences.

    First Day Response and School Support

    If a child is absent without notification, the school will:

    • Call parents to confirm the reason for absence.
    • Contact emergency contacts if parents are unavailable.
    • Conduct a home visit if deemed necessary.
    • Refer to the local authority if a child is absent for 10 days without contact.

    Punctuality Matters

    The school day starts promptly at 8:45 AM. Pupils arriving after 8:55 AM must enter through the school office and provide a reason. Persistent lateness can lead to meetings with school leaders and potential involvement from the local authority.

    School Holidays and Term-Time Absences

    Holidays during term time disrupt learning and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Parents must submit a formal request in advance, and the headteacher will determine whether it can be approved.

    National Approach to Fining for Term-Time Holidays

    Under the new national framework, schools must consider issuing penalty fines if a child has 10 sessions (5 school days) of unauthorised absence within a 10-week period. The penalties are:

    • First offence: £80 per parent per child (rising to £160 if unpaid within 21 days).
    • Second offence (within 3 years): £160 per parent per child.
    • Third offence (within 3 years): May lead to prosecution in Magistrates’ Court, with fines up to £2,500 and a criminal record.

    Working Together for Success

    We understand that some pupils may face challenges in attending school regularly. Our team is committed to working with families to overcome barriers and ensure every child receives the education they deserve. If you need support, please reach out to us.

    Together, we can ensure that all pupils at St. Gregory’s thrive through regular attendance and punctuality!