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  • Afterschool Hub

    St. Gregory's Catholic Primary School run an after-school club for the children called "The Hub".

    This club caters for all our school children from Reception Class to Year Six, we also have children from Nursery who access 30 hours provision attending The Hub.

    The club provides lots of fun activities for the children including, tennis, football, cookery, computers, and much more!!

    To book your child into The Hub, please complete the booking form on the school app. Every child attending The Hub must be booked in firstly, using the online system. You will be able to book your child for a fixed place for the term on the booking form, if you so wish. 

    The cost of "The Hub" is:

    £ 4.80 for the first hour.

    £ 12.00 for the full session ( Monday - Thursday 3.20pm to 5.45pm)

    £ 9.50 for a Friday full session ( 3.20pm to 4.45 pm)