St. Gregory's Online Safety Coordinator is Mrs Povey, supported by Mr Perree. If you are concerned or would like to seek further advice, please feel free to browse through the links below for specific digital support. Alternatively, you can book an appointment with Mrs Povey or Mr Perree via our school office.
Our Designated and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders are Mr Perree (DSL/HT), Miss Connolly (DDSL/DHT) and Miss Brown (DDSL).
The children of St Gregory's are taught about how to stay safe using a wide variety of technology including computing devices, mobile phones & gaming stations. Pupils are made aware of how to keep both themselves and others safe and not give away any personal information which may form part of a larger 'jigsaw'. As a school, we also explore the effects of Cyber bullying, raising awareness of its dangers and what they can do if they become, or they suspect a friends have become, a victim of cyber bullying. In addition to the many implicit opportunities taken by staff, each year the whole school takes part in an Online Safety week, which provides additional opportunities for more focused teaching of Online Safety, culminating in a 'Share, Celebrate and stay Online Safe!' assembly at the end of the week.
Our #WakeupWednesday initiative, through collaboration with National Online Safety, shared regular information posters for families to help in a wide range of areas involving technology. Please keep an eye on the school bulletin and app for any additional messages which are shared throughout the year.