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  • Maths

    Maths Curriculum Intent

    At St. Gregory’s, maths is a curriculum area which provides children with an opportunity to harness their curiosity and develop their resilience in taking on day to day mathematical challenges. Mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. Mathematics is important in everyday life. It is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them. A St Gregory’s mathematician would have the following characteristics;

    • Knowledge of number, place value, calculation, geometry, measure and statistics.
    • An understanding of how maths can help in other areas of the curriculum.
    • Fluency in developing fast mental recall of times tables, number facts and arithmetic skills.
    • Ability to reason and justify their thoughts.
    • A genuine interest in how maths will help them in their lives and how it can be used to develop their opportunities in the wider world.
    • The confidence to solve unfamiliar mathematical problems.

    Maths Curriculum Implementation:
    To implement a successful, detailed curriculum, staff will make use of a variety of important pedagogical strategies and resources, including:

    • Range of planning resources to help develop their knowledge and understanding.
    • Daily maths blast/ score four lessons to provide children with an opportunity to revise and recall their daily maths skills and apply it on a regular basis.
    • Regular mental maths skill development to ensure that children can access an array of mathematical strategies.
    • A variety of low stakes retrieval assessment opportunities to allow children to regularly revisit previously taught skills and knowledge.
    • Strong links made between other subjects. Cross curricular opportunities for children to utilise their maths skills in other areas, such as; Geography, Science and ICT.
    • Homework which provides children with an opportunity to practise skills taught in the classroom, alongside exploring their mathematical knowledge in the real world.
    • Termly formative assessment opportunities for staff to gather important data regarding each child’s areas of strength and development.
    • To access a wide breadth of problem solving activities, alongside access to mathematical thinking tasks utilising the NCETM and NRich resources.

    Maths Curriculum Impact: 
    The maths curriculum is developed in a way to help children build up their skills and develop both procedural and conceptual understanding. We measure the impact of mathematics via the following strategies;

    • Pupil discussions about their learning.
    • 1:1, small group and whole class feedback opportunities.
    • Summative and formative assessment opportunities.
    • Staff learning walks, staff meetings and pupil progress/ conference meeting with management.

    Bringing Maths to life at St. Gregory's