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  • Art

    Art Curriculum Intent

    At St. Gregory’s, our Art curriculum is designed to develop childrens’ creativity and use of different media and techniques. Children explore a range of media and resources to help develop their understanding of creating art and using their skills to create, imagine and express. We are committed to providing children with opportunities to investigate the work of and to emulate the styles of different artists, both current and past. They can develop an understanding of art in different cultures and times. We are also committed to developing children’s ability to apply specific skills to enable them to confidently create and express their own art. Through high quality teaching, we develop the following essential characteristics of artists:

    • A genuine interest and enjoyment in the subject and confidence to become creative.
    • A wide base of artistic skills, techniques and tools to explore and create.
    • The ability to discuss their own artwork and their opinion on the works of others.
    • To develop artwork both in 2D and 3D form.
    • Knowledge of artists past and present, both in Britain and the wider world.
    • An understanding of how past art has impacted upon society.

    Art Curriculum Implementation

    As part of the planning and preparation process, teachers make consideration to, and make use of:

    • A cycle of lessons for art which carefully plans for progression and creativity, concentrating on artistic knowledge and specific skills suited to the age group.
    • Trips and visiting experts will enhance the learning experience.
    • To make relevant cross-curricular links to other subjects.

    Art Curriculum Impact

    • Our art curriculum is high quality and planned to ensure progression and a deeper understanding of artistic techniques and skills.
    • Children reaching the end of year expectations are making good or better progress.
    • We measure the impact of our curriculum through evidence of the planned outcomes through pupil artwork, displays and discussions about their own and others’ artwork.

    Bringing Art & Design to life at St. Gregory's