St. Gregory's Community, growing in faith, will love and support each other as followers of Jesus.
Office Hours : 9am - 4pm Monday to Thursday and 3pm on Friday
Closed all day Wednesday: Tel 07376 494 313 Email:
Sunday: 1st mass of Sunday 6.30pm (Sat evening) and Sunday 11.00am.
7.30pm (previous evening). 9.00am
Monday – Friday 9.00am, Saturday 10.00am
Saturday 10.30 – 11.00am
Children are very welcome to come along to 'Little Church' at St. Gregory's Church every Sunday morning Mass at 11 o'clock.
Address 94 Liverpool Road, Lydiate L31 2NA
Address Southport Rd, Liverpool L31 4HH
Sunday: 9.30am
Thursday: 7.00pm