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  • School Nurse

    Our School Nurse – Ruth Swanson

    At St. Gregory’s, we are fortunate to have the support of our dedicated school nurse, Ruth Swanson, who plays a vital role in promoting the health and wellbeing of our students.

    What Does the School Nurse Do?

    Ruth Swanson provides a range of health and wellbeing services, including:

    • Supporting Physical and Emotional Wellbeing – Offering advice on healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and emotional support.
    • Sleep Support - Ruth often discusses sleeping difficulties and patterns with families, offering advice, support and signposting.
    • Managing Medical Needs – Assisting with care plans for children with medical conditions and providing guidance on medication in school.
    • Health Education – Promoting hygiene, mental health awareness, and overall wellbeing through workshops and one-to-one support.
    • Safeguarding – Working closely with staff to ensure the safety and welfare of all children.
    • Parental Support – Offering advice to parents on topics such as sleep, diet, and managing minor illnesses.

    Ruth attends and contributes to our 'Team Around the School' strategy meetings: a team of professionals who meet regularly, including Mr Perree (Headteacher), Miss Connolly (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Thompson (SENDCo), Jo Cowans (Inclusion Consultant) and Lauren Wilding (EYFS Inclusion Consultant). 

    Our school nurse is a trusted point of contact for both students and parents, ensuring every child is supported to thrive in a safe and healthy school environment.

    If you would like to speak to Ruth Swanson regarding any health concerns, please contact the school.

    In the first instance, we ask that you speak with your child's class teacher. 

    If you would feel more comfortable, you may contact school using the below avenues:

    School Office Tel: 0151 - 526 - 5856

    School Office Email:

    SENDCO Email: