Admissions are processed by Sefton Local Authority Admissions Department.
Please follow the link to view Sefton Schools Admissions page -
Children start primary school in the September following their fourth birthday. The process of applying for a place in Reception Class commences in the Autumn term. National Offer Day is during April. When applying for a place in Reception Class, you must select three preference schools. Applications for St.Gregory's Catholic Primary School will be asked to provide a birth certificate, copy of baptism certificate , completion of a Supplementary Faith form provided by school, together with proof of your home address. If your child attends our Nursery setting, this does not guarantee a place in Reception class.
The local authority will provide school with the list of preferences for St.Gregory's Catholic Primary School and our Governors Admissions Committee will prepare all applications following the criteria of our school for admissions. Once all applications have been ranked and approved following our admissions criteria, the list is sent back to local authority. We cannot inform parents of any decisions, parents must wait for the official letter to arrive from the authority. Parents can contact the local authority to find out more about our school admissions arrangements.
If you would like to find out what catchment area you live in, please follow the link below:
In Year Transfer Applications
If you would like your child to transfer from another primary school to St.Gregory's Catholic Primary School , you must apply through the local authority, requesting an In-Year Transfer Form (IYT). The local authority hold all waiting lists and will process your application. Updates of school numbers are sent to the local authority regularly.
You should refer to Sefton Council policy (In Year Admissions Policy) and read the Guide for parents before you submit an 'In Year' admission application form. You must complete one application form for each child for whom you are seeking a school place.
If you wish to transfer from one school to a Sefton school during the school year, you should complete the first part of the IYT application form (T1).
Sefton Council will then notify school of an In Year transfer application and this will then be either authorised/unauthorised by the Headteacher and returned to Sefton Council. Sefton Council holds all waiting lists for Sefton schools.
Further details of In Year Transfers can be found on Sefton Council website on the following link